Tag: Alimony and Spousal Support

Understanding Domestic Violence and Its Legal Consequences

While the first thing many people think of when they hear the term “domestic violence” is violence against a spouse or former partner, the criminal charges associated with this crime go far beyond assault and battery. In fact, most states include other crimes against an intimate partner or family member — including homicide, sex crime, stalking, threats, strangulation, interference with 911 calls, coercion, intimidation, kidnapping, unlawful restraint, criminal mischief and trespassing — as crimes of domestic violence.

A victim of domestic abuse has a right to seek help and legal assistance to protect herself from the criminal charge of domestic violence and to make sure she does not lose custody of her children. Additionally, the victim has a right to seek help to prevent her abuser from being able to contact or visit her.

The Victim’s Rights During an Investigation and After Arrest

A domestic violence charge requires a law enforcement officer to investigate the incident, take statements, and issue a warrant for the arrest of the perpetrator. Once arrested, the perpetrator is held in a jail until he or she can be brought before a judge for a hearing. Once a court finds that the perpetrator is guilty, he or she will be charged with a domestic violence offense and a no contact order will be put in place.

In addition to the legal consequences, victims of domestic violence may suffer emotional and psychological harm due to the trauma resulting from the abuse. They might develop a range of health problems from anxiety and depression to low self-esteem. They may also suffer from suicidal thoughts and acts.

The Physical Impact Of Abuse

If the victim of domestic violence is physically harmed, this can lead to serious health problems and other long-term consequences. For example, the injury may cause a change in heart rhythms or increase the risk of blood clots and strokes. This can also result in a higher rate of diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Abusers typically have an intense desire to control their partners, and this often begins with a critical inner voice that tells them they are not good enough or smart enough. This can cause the abuser to act in ways that undermine their partner’s confidence and self-esteem and encourage them to use physical violence.

It is common for domestic violence to escalate over time, becoming increasingly threatening and physically violent. Eventually, the victim is left with no choice but to leave their abusive partner and seek help.

Domestic Violence is a mental and emotional illness that can be treated. A professional therapist can work with the victim to identify and deal with their issues.

Cultural Beliefs or Traditional Viewpoints Around Gender Norms

A culture that values aggression over cooperation or accepts gender inequality can promote or encourage domestic violence. Likewise, an individual’s religious beliefs and views about women can also contribute to abuse.

Previous History Of Being Abused

A person who was abused as a child or whose parents presented domestic violence as the norm may be more likely to be an abuser in their adult relationships. This can make it harder for them to break the cycle of abuse and find healthy ways to relate to their current partner or family members. For more details on domestic violence law visit https://www.themiamidivorceattorneys.net/.

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